Tote Empty Sensor

Product DescriptionToteVerifyMain_blur

The TES-100 is a complete system to verify the presence or absence of material in a Tote, box, or container traveling down a conveyor.  This is extremely useful in warehouse and material handling systems where a product left in a box or tote can mean a customers’ order is delayed or never reaches its intended destination.

The TES system can function on any belt or roller style conveyor and includes a tolerance setting to accommodate less than smooth running roller style conveyors.   Objects as short as 2mm can be sensed with lengths as short at 50mm.     This allows, for example, the ability to sense envelopes at the bottom of a tote.  The TES software interface also provides a calibration setting which allows the TES Sensors to be mounted at various heights above the conveyor.  This provides flexibility for the user and allows the TES to fit into size constrained applications.

Features & Benefits

  • Ability to sense objects as short as 2mm
  • Digital Output for Sense Empty and Sense Not Empty
  • Serial out RS232/RS485
  • Options to connect to most Fieldbus networks including, but not limited to, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP/IP, DeviceNet, Profibus, Profinet.
  • Fast communications allows for 2″ long objects at 200 ft/min conveyor speed
  • Varying mounting height allows system to fit into limited space areas
  • NEMA 12 enclosure with keylock
  • Accessory Aluminum mounting frame


Part Number Description
TES-100-24Tote Empty Verifier system for 24″ conveyor 8″ parcel width
TES-101-24Tote Empty Verifier system for 24″ conveyor 6″ parcel width
TES-102-24Tote Empty Verifier system for 24″ conveyor 4″ parcel width
Accessories Description
SCAN-FRAMEOverhead Aluminum conveyor framing